Being from England, our x-mas meals are very similar to the American Thanksgiving dinner. There’s turkey, Brussels Sprouts, parsnips for the Brits and sweet potato for the Americans, lots of gluttonous action and intermittent comatose.
Conflicted between going all out traditional on x-mas- the British way- is tempting yet the thought of eating Big Bird all over again is unappealing. I like the New York option of Chinese food on Christmas day. But, today we are going to push the boundary even further – Me and my students cooked an Indo-Chinese dish of 3 chili Paneer – a sizzling platter of paneer coated in sweet and sticky soy sauce with a whole lot of snap from the chili and some bold bite from chunky chopped onions and garlic. We loved it so much that here we are sharing with you.
This dish pairs perfectly with any other Chinese dish, be it black bean chicken, noodles or simply served as the main event itself.
And here it is all fired up and sizzling
1) Marinade paneer, set aside for 15 minutes. Brown each side on a frying pan. Set aside
2) Saute onions, black pepper, chili flakes and chilies on high briefly. Add Sauce and allow to thicken. Add paneer and warm through