Last Sunday unintentionally, the morning was calm. No kiddy birthday parties to run to, no soccer practice to get ready for. As the kids anchored down to some stacked paper and a bundle of crayons, I had a chance to hear myself think in my mecca – the kitchen. Some eggs and a half-filled mason jar of cream would do me nicely for a creamy mound of scramble but rather than toast, I decided upon a skillet hash with a few slivers of pepperoni.
Hash browns can provide for a failing experience if the potatoes haven’t been salted and then wrung out to release that extra moisture. When this step is skipped, they may look great from the outside, but nudge it with a fork and it reveals a blue’ish white interior with a gummy texture. Observe the handful of steps below and this will be your gateway to a golden-brown crust with potato strands that tightly knit together yielding a white and tender inside. I added crisped-pepperoni for a little ‘snap’ and set it down before my husband and kids. What a Sunday morning winner!
Recipe for Hash Pepperoni Browns
2 TBSP. unsalted butter
3 large russet potatoes, peeled, grated and combined with 1 tsp. salt
1 1/2 cups chopped yellow onions (2 onions)
1 TSP. freshly ground black pepper
2 TBSP. unsalted butter
5 standard slices of pepperoni, sliced in to thin strips
1) Make little balls of the grated potatoes and squeeze out all moisture. Add the black pepper
2) Heat a large 12” frying pan with the butter and sauté the pepperoni for a minute (to crisp up) on high heat
3) Spread the potato hash tighty over the pepperoni and pan surface and pressed down with a spatula to compress and lock stands together
4) Cover with a lid for 5 minutes and reduce to medium. Insert a knife and when almost cooked through, cover with a plate to help you flip hash pancake over. Cook the other side until golden. Remove from heat and serve whilst hot and crisp
Well Helllloooo Sunday!!! And surprisingly, not an overload of butter. Will let you know how this turns out
Thanks Daisa..And feel free to get creative..throw in finely sliced jalapenos and shallots